Author: AnswerFinancial

Find your perfect insurance match

Eight ways insurance is like online dating

By AnswerFinancial

The way people communicate dramatically differs from just 10 or 15 years ago. Armed with a collection of coveted connected devices, the world of…

Protecting your small business

Liability Insurance: Protecting Your Small Business

By AnswerFinancial

Small business ownership is a dream for many, but with it come risks and uncertainties. Liability insurance provides a vital safeguard, offering protection against…

5 winter driving tips

5 Tips for Peace of Mind During Holiday Travel

By AnswerFinancial

As you get ready to hit the road to see family and friends this season, it’s tempting to make the journey as footloose and…

I own a small business. Do I need commercial insurance?

I Just Started a Small Business. Do I need Commercial Insurance?

By AnswerFinancial

Owning a small business is exciting, but it’s important to protect your business’s income, property and assets with the right type of commercial insurance coverages.

Car with a rear quarter panel dent

Should I get rental car insurance?

By AnswerFinancial

Should I purchase the rental car insurance that is offered? Finding a clear answer to this decision after you’ve spent the day flying and…

Motorcycle Insurance

6 tips to re-evaluate Motorcycle Insurance

By AnswerFinancial

If you own a motorcycle, you know that you couldn’t put a price on your love for the road. But if you could get…

Save Money

15 Easy Ways You Could Save Money

By AnswerFinancial

While it’s not always feasible to increase your income, it is usually possible to save money, which can make it feel like you received…

Do you have the right insurance in place for holiday travel?

Personal Liability with Guests During Holidays

By AnswerFinancial

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving season if we didn’t open our doors to family and friends. But with generosity comes personal liability risk, even from people you know well. Here are helpful tips to help protect yourself.

National Prepardness Month

Tips to Prepare for Any Emergency

By AnswerFinancial

September is officially National Preparedness Month, but emergency readiness deserves to be celebrated year-round.  After all, disasters often tend to strike when you least…

Ways to save with Answer - video

Three ways you can save with Answer Financial

By AnswerFinancial

According to a national survey of new customers in 2023, people saved an average of $565* a year on insurance with Answer Financial. However,…