Key Features
Monitors auto insurance prices
Automatically compares rates
Alerts you when you could save
How it works
Rate Tracker is a free service that monitors auto insurance prices and alerts customers when an opportunity to save is identified. Rate Tracker alerts are sent using email.
Rate Tracker periodically compares your current auto insurance rate with new quotes.
We’ll notify you if there may be an opportunity to save money or whether you still have a great price.
If you are notified of potential savings, simply contact us to verify your information and lock in your savings with a licensed agent!
Rate Tracker is available exclusively through Answer Financial and its licensed agency affiliate, Insurance Answer Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a qualifying Insurance Answer Center customer, you will receive information about Rate Tracker from your agent during the sales process. If you accept the service, you will be enrolled automatically once you have purchased your policy. We will send you a confirmation email with details about the service.
No. Rate Tracker is only available to eligible Insurance Answer Center customers.
No, Rate Tracker is a free service for eligible Insurance Answer Center customers.
Each time Rate Tracker checks prices for you, we will send you an email letting you know if savings were found or if you’ve still got a great deal on your insurance.
You will receive an email from us whenever Rate Tracker finds potential savings for you.
Rate Tracker will automatically perform at least one price check during each term of your policy through Insurance Answer Center.
No. Our Rate Tracker service will only send you emails periodically with the results of a price check – letting you know whether we can save you money.
Yes, when Rate Tracker checks prices, it uses updated information regarding the timing of driving incidents to find savings for you.
Rate Tracker uses the information you provided when you purchased your policy from Insurance Answer Center along with any data updates we have received. We may also use information about you, your vehicles and your driving history from reporting agencies.
No. Rate Tracker™ will request rates from some insurance companies that may run ‘insurance scores’ with credit reporting agencies, but these scores are treated as ‘soft hits’ to your credit file and should not affect your credit score.
As your authorized insurance agency, we exercise extreme caution when storing or handling your personal information. All personal information stored on our secure systems is encrypted, and our systems are regularly upgraded and verified by independent auditors. We will not share your information with anyone except insurance companies for the purposes of obtaining quotes.
The Rate Tracker price check uses estimated rates based on the information you gave us when you became a customer of Insurance Answer Center. It includes information about you, the drivers in your household, and your covered vehicles. Since we may not have all your latest information at the time of the automatic price check, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.
Not right now. Rate Tracker is currently available only for auto insurance.
You may review the Rate Tracker terms and conditions by clicking here.